Tag: South Africa


    After receiving many queries from the Muslim public on the new and controversial Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) program that the Department of Education plans to incorporate into the South African curriculum, the South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) has put together some research on this very important issue (link below).

    The CSE curriculum has ignited public outrage due its graphic and age inappropriate content. By delving into the private realm of parenting, government is seen as crossing the line. Furthermore, the Department of Education has stated they have consulted widely on the curriculum however there is no evidence to support this statement.

    We encourage the Muslim community to object to the introduction of Comprehensive Sexuality Education to South African schools. Write to the Ministers of Education.
    Department of Basic Education – mabua.s@dbe.gov.za
    Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology – Siphokazi.Shoba@dst.gov.za

    CSE Research compiled by SAMNET

  • 2019 National Mosque Open Day – Report

    With 45 Mosques registered, the 2019 National Mosque Open Day hosted over 2000 participants across six provinces. People of all faiths (or none), cultures and ethnicities visited the Mosques in their communities for a two hour programme.

    Participants gushed over the warm welcome they received. They were surprised to learn of the hospitable and peace-loving nature of their Muslim brothers and sisters. For many, it was their first time meeting a real Muslim and for many more, it was their first time visiting a Mosque. Words such as kindness, warmth, sincerity, friendliness and understanding came up frequently as feedback from participants. It was a day for all people of South Africa to come together within their communities and initiate or strengthen relationships built on mutual understanding.

    The South African Muslim Network would like to thank all who participated in the 2019 National Mosque Open Day and to all Mosque Representatives for their efforts and that of their teams.

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  • [WATCH] Youth Day 2019

    The 16th June 1976 marked the day of an uprising that began in Soweto and spread countrywide.

    High school students took a stance against the then Apartheid government and Bantu Education.