• Event – Discussion with Deputy Minister Enver Surty Education and Elections

    The South African Muslim Network in partnership with the Minara Chamber of Commerce hosted a discussion with the Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Mr Enver Surty on Tuesday the 9th January 2019.

    The topic for the day was The State of our Country in 2019 – Education and Elections.

    The South African Muslim Network encourages Muslims and South Africans at large to take a more active stance on politics and elections to ensure that our voices are heard in government.

    Snippet: Mr Enver Surty with Deputy Mayor of the eThekwini Municipality Ms Fawzia Peer

    In keeping with the spirit of Heritage Day where South Africans are encouraged to celebrate the diversity that makes us a rainbow nation, various masaajid across the country, as part of the National Mosque Open Day campaign, invites you to visit their mosque for a two hour programme on Heritage Day, 24th September between 2-4pm.

    The mosque open day programme is designed to welcome people of all faith groups to meet real Muslims. The programme will include a meet and greet, a tour of the mosque, an explanation of prayer and ablution and a question and answer session to freely talk about Islam and Muslims with Muslims.

    Please inform the public and lets use this opportunity to break down barriers and learn from each other.

    For a list of participating mosques, please click here.

  • One City One Book

    A reading nation is a clever nation. It is on this premise that the eThekwini Municipality has initiated the One City One Book Campaign, aimed at encouraging a culture of reading in society and promoting social cohesion.

    The aim of the campaign is to identify one book which members of the community will read over a determined period of time (approximately a year) then engage with the message and content of the book on various platforms across race, culture, class and gender.

    The South African Muslim Network participated in the campaign by promoting Muslim Portraits- The Anti-Apartheid Struggle by Goolam Vahed.

    The book chosen aimed to educate the public on the valuable contribution of various Muslim Personalities towards the Liberation of South Africa.