Durban, August 29, 2019: The South African Muslim Network takes pleasure in inviting ALL South Africans to visit one of their 45 participating Mosques on Heritage Day 24th September that will be open to the public between 2pm and 4pm.
All South Africans and the media are encouraged to visit one of the mosques and over a snack, have a tour of the mosque and its facilities, have a chat about Islam and have any of their questions about Islam and Muslims answered. This initiative is to promote social cohesion and encourage the building of the rainbow nation. Visitors are encouraged to dress conservatively and to visit the SAMNET website for a List of Participating Mosques and contact details should they require more information from the local Mosque. Kind regards Dr. Faisal Suliman Chairperson |
National Mosque Open Day – Call to Mosques
Dear Musjid Representative
Should you want to add your Musjid to the National Mosque Open Day, kindly send an e-mail request to with the following details (Subject line: National Mosque Open Day):
- Name of Musjid
- Physical address of Musjid
- Name of Musjid Representative
- Contact number and whatsapp number of Musjid Representative
- E-mail address of Musjid Representative
Click here to read more on the 2018 National Mosque Open Day
Kind regards
[Watch] Garry Wills and the Q’uran
A Catholic Mr. Garry Wills speaks about the Quran.
“The thing about the people who are carrying out terrorist attacks is that they obviously don’t know their own religion.”
“What can we tell about their religion? Naturally we should go to the Quran. In the Gospel of Matthew they ask Jesus how to pray to the Father and he gives them the Lord’s prayer. In the Quran they ask Allah, through Prophet Muhammed, how they should pray. Here’s one of many creed’s in the Quran: ‘We believe in God and what was sent down to us and what was sent down the Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the 12 tribes and what was given to Moses, Jesus and all the Prophets by the Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and we devote ourselves to Him in all of them.’ That’s a very inclusive creed.