“O ye who believe!
Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you,
that ye may (learn) self-restraint.”

  Quran 2:183

The blessed month of Ramadan has dawned upon us. This is the most spiritually uplifting months of the year for Muslims to benefit from greatly. Although the action of fasting and other related aspects of Ramadan are a test on all Muslims, the current pandemic, which has displaced the entire world, is going to make this time far more challenging for most, especially the underprivileged individuals and families. Despite the difficulties and changes during this time, always remember – the bigger the test, the greater the reward.


The spirit of Ramadan is usually in the atmosphere of mixing with friends and family in the community, attending mosques for every sallah, especially the night prayer, Taraweeh, sharing meals when breaking the fast and all the food preparations. The practices and traditions of Ramadan are culturally imbedded in every household. This year we face a foreign kind of Ramadan. These practices need to be altered greatly. Social distancing rules have to be followed strictly and all prayers have to be performed in ones’ home. Although we may be tempted to want to go to the Mosques to perform sallah, no congregational prayers are allowed. Everyone is urged to stay home. This is necessary for the protection of oneself and others. Rules set in place to inhibit the spread of the corona virus is not to be taken lightly.


This month in conjunction with the quarantine, is the perfect opportunity for Muslims to self-introspect, self-reflect, bond with family/residents at home, and reconnect on a spiritual level, especially by reattaching oneself to the Quran. For those who have time, do some research into the history of the religion, learn the meaning of the Quran and increase daily Ibaadah. Build your Islamic knowledge in addition to keeping up with current affairs.


Allah says in the Quran:

“The believers are those who spend in charity during ease and hardship and who restrain their anger and pardon the people, for Allah loves the doers of good.”
Surah Al Imran 3:134

For some Ramadan is about abstaining from eating for a short period and thereafter having a great spread to feast on, but countless people do not even have basic essential food items. There is a greater percentage of people that are unable to break their fast with even so much as a date and clean drinking water. This is the month of immense selflessness and kindness. Even under the circumstance of lockdown, it is easy to help those in need by contributing to the projects run by NGO’s that will be providing aid to the underprivileged communities. Charity should be amplified given the current crisis.

Keep a close eye and ear on The Caring Sisters Network projects and campaigns. CSN, which is a division of SAMNET, will be providing hampers to those in desperate need in the underprivileged areas that they are able to reach. These kind of campaigns are not possible without funding, which is why a humble appeal is made to the hearts of our brothers and sisters to contribute in the way that you are able to to assist these efforts. You donate, CSN distributes.

Dua is a powerful thing and it is all people can do during this major test. We pray each and every persons’ hardships and suffering is alleviated and for ease during this time. Keep all those suffering, facing terrorism and torture all over the world in your hearts.

May each and everyone have a blessed and beneficial Ramadan.

Stay safe.

Stay home.