Category: Public Relations

  • Event – Discussion with Deputy Minister Enver Surty Education and Elections

    The South African Muslim Network in partnership with the Minara Chamber of Commerce hosted a discussion with the Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Mr Enver Surty on Tuesday the 9th January 2019.

    The topic for the day was The State of our Country in 2019 – Education and Elections.

    The South African Muslim Network encourages Muslims and South Africans at large to take a more active stance on politics and elections to ensure that our voices are heard in government.

    Snippet: Mr Enver Surty with Deputy Mayor of the eThekwini Municipality Ms Fawzia Peer
  • SAMNET at the Ummah Convention – Post event

    The Ummah Convention organized by the Sunni Jamiatul Ulama SA held 1-2 December 2018 at the Overport Secondary School, Durban saw a multitude of socio-religious organisations come together to address the social and moral degeneration of society.

    The South African Muslim Network team was happy to participate and meet with people from all walks of life.

    SAMNET stall


    Congratulations to our lucky draw winner! – Mr Siraj Parker

    Happy Networking !

    We convey our appreciation to the SJUSA board and Nazir Malek for hosting a well organized function and we look forward to participating next year.

  • SAMNET at the Ummah Convention

    The South African Muslim Network is one of the 40 organizations the Sunni Jamiatul Ulama SA has partnered with for the Ummah Convention. The Ummah Convention will act as an educational platform where we are certain that you will find an answer to any question relating to Islam and Muslims.

    Come meet, greet, and interact with us on 1-2 December. We look forward to receiving guests of all faiths!