Category: Media





    The Proposal

    The South African Muslim network would like to propose an Association of Muslims in Southern Africa involved in Media, Broadcasting, Journalism, Marketing and related fields. Our research shows that no such association exists at present and we believe this is necessary to form. Purpose outlined below.

    The Benefits

    Why Form an Association?  

    • Networking and making connections benefit one and all in the media, journalism and related fields
    • Connecting with Journalists in other areas across Southern Africa
    • Content development, producing and not just reporting/consuming news
    • Promotion of the industry and promoting interest in the industry
    • Produce Accurate, True, Reliable, Credible and unbiased content to represent the current affairs in the Muslim world to dispel misconceptions and correct Misinformation spread by other media sources.
    • Students can seek mentorship from Media experts, Marketing Professionals, Journalists and Political experts from this association
    • Skills development
    • Sharing ideas, discuss visions, career guidance, collaborations with experts in the same fields etc.
    • Staying informed and updated on changes and issues in a variety of communities. Staying current on trends in the industry.
    • Retired Journalists, media experts can share experiences, stories, provide guidance to upcoming journalists, impart wisdom and advice to attain success.
    • Assessment of the image and representation of Muslims
    • Exchange and sharing of resources and assistance

    (To be discussed further)


    Who should join?

    Individuals involved in the following fields:

    • Media and marketing
    • People involved in Public Relations and/or Advertising
    • Print media
    • Radio broadcasting
    • Television broadcasting/production
    • Journalists
    • People Involved in Media Advocacy

    …. and Related fields

    How will it function?

    This will be a Voluntary association and membership, funding, and administrative functions to be decided once a working team is established

    Guidelines to consider when creating an Association

    • The Association needs to have a Vision and Mission that is mutually shared by members
    • In the beginning stages, the Association may need to offer incentives or opportunities to attract professionals and experts to join until growth is successful
    • A Board of Members who are successful in their fields to lead the joining members.
    • A diverse culture needs to be established to accommodate a diversity of people involved in the association, making all feel welcome and comfortable.
    • Membership and financial running costs? Would there be a member ship fees? Funding.

    Name (Suggestions)

    1. Southern African Association of ….
    2. SA Muslim Media, Marketing and Journalism Association
    3. Association of Muslim Media, Marketing and Journalism in Southern Africa

     (Open to more Suggestions/ideas)

    About us summary (Example)

    This Association is a professional network for journalists, media professionals, PR professionals, media advocates, political professionals and members involved in related fields in South Africa.

    The Association provides a forum for members to network, stay up-to-date with latest issues in the Muslim Community, be involved in effective Media Advocacy and social media activism as well as inspire future generations to become selflessly involved in the community.

    Aims, Objectives and Campaigns suggestions

    • Creating a forum that facilitates contact between professionals and non-professionals sharing similar interests in the world of Media, Activism, Politics and other journalism related fields.
    • Allowing members to network with each other and discuss and/or address issues locally and internationally.
    • Provide truthful, accurate, reliable and unbiased coverage on news and current affairs
    • Educating students, at high school and tertiary level, about Islamophobia, Injustice, Hate Crimes, Religious intolerance, inequality, inhumanity, immorality and unlawful practices.
    • Strengthen the various affiliated professions
    • Improve the accuracy, honesty, integrity, humanity, transparency and fairness in all forms of publications and posts shared with the public.
    • Inspire, encourage and assist the youth to get involved in the Journalism, media advocacy, humanities, activism and/or political fields.
    • Addressing glass ceiling/discrimination issues affecting members
    • Aces funding for bursaries, research, post graduate studies
    • Networking with international bodies

    Governance and Administration

    • Membership
    • Articles of association
    • Code of conduct
    • Board/management team

    To be discussed further…

    Examples of other Associations

    Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) – India

    This Association provides a platform for all Muslim professionals to share their skills, resources and knowledge to develop the community and empower the Muslims in India educationally, socially, politically and economically. They also empower the youth and assist those that are gifted but ignored or not given the opportunity to succeed.

    What do they do?

    They offer scholarships, training programmes, career counselling, skills developments programmes, relief and welfare activities and more.

    Each member pays a membership fee and this money is used to fund the projects and to keep the Association running.

    Association of European Journalists

    This is an independent non-profit international association that has no ties with any political parties or unions. They function democratically with a General Assembly and Board.

    The Association consists of Journalists all over Europe to create and promote European Harmony and defend Freedom of information and freedom of the press in Europe.

    International Federation of Journalists

    They promote and defend professional and ethical journalism in its role as a cornerstone of democracy and freedom, and be in the vanguard of creating a media culture that is ethically based, driven by the public interest and fit for the digital age.

    They have created various campaigns and have a media center in which they produce newsletters, blogs and news covering international news and the work they do.

    The IFJ policy is decided democratically at a Congress which meets every three years and work is carried out by the Secretariat under the direction of an elected Executive Committee.


    • Social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram)
    • Official Website
    • National, local and community print media and radio broadcasting
    • Running a monthly or weekly newsletter
    • Internet access for Webinars/online meetings

    (To be discussed further)






    The South African Muslim Network has sent the following letter to Mr Gary Player asking him to return the US Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to him by Donald Trump.

    We would like to ask that your organization consider the same. We believe that it is not acceptable for any South African to receive or keep a Freedom Medal from the current US President. Donald Trump has repeatedly demonstrated racist, prejudicial and bigoted behaviour. He has derided individuals, communities, refugees and countries. He has spread lies and hatred, and condoned terrorist actions.

    We find that Mr Gary Player accepting this award, especially in light of events in Washington this week must be encouraged to return it and be given an opportunity to do so. Please feel free to encourage other organisations, individuals and leaders to support this call. Please find below our open letter to Mr Player.

    Kind regards
    Dr F. Suliman

    08 January 2021


    Dear Black Knight


    It has come to our attention that you received the US Presidential Medal of Freedom from Donald Trump for your contribution to golf.


    As a South African, and despite the many who are critical of your stand on sport as a young man during Apartheid, we respect you as a Sportsman and fellow Countryman. We respect that over time you came to see the wrongs of Apartheid and for what you did for your country and its citizens.
    We respect that the late President Nelson Mandela honoured you as a symbol of South African excellence, unity, and change.


    We implore you to reconsider your acceptance of this award. Sadly, we cannot congratulate on what should be a proud moment. Considering the events of the last few days, the many actions, tweets and utterances of the person giving you the award over many years, we would like to highlight that accepting an award from Donald Trump, especially at this time, is not in keeping with the values and beliefs of being a South African. As someone who spoke highly of President Mandela, and who met him many times, we ask you to consider if President Mandela would have approved. As South Africans, we would like to join the calls for you to return the award.

    It is not just about a medal. Who gives an award and when it is given, how it is given and where it is given is important!


    You were witness to institutional racism, on a rainy evening outside a beautiful old building in Durban, given by people who refused to respect another human, who won fair and with humility, based only on his race. To accept an award from a bigot, racist and liar, who undermines the democratic processes of his own country is wrong! To accept an award within days of him manipulating and encouraging a violent racist mob to an illegal act of terrorism upon his own people democratically elected officials is wrong! To accept an award, at the White House in a private ceremony, within a short distance of the US Capitol Buildings, this week is wrong!


    As South Africa’s we urge you to return THIS award, from THIS US President, at THIS time.
    Mr Player, you do not need to prove anything to anyone. This award gives you nothing, but keeping it takes away too much from too many who have sacrificed for the respect of fellow humans, and for those who gave their lives for freedom of our country and many others around Africa and the world. You may have made a choice to accept this award under different circumstances, and maybe from another president at another time we could be proud of a son of Africa, but we fear keeping it will tarnish your legacy and the great memories your countrymen and women have of you.


    Kind Regards
    The SAMNET Board of Directors

  • Bursaries 2021


    2021… Where to next?

    Choosing a career path is often a stressful and confusing decision to make.

    If you are the kind of person who wants to stand up for what is just/fair and right, interested in current affairs, issues in the community, keeps up with the news, active on social media, interested in research and have a voice that should be heard then you should be looking at the following fields :

    • Journalism
    • Communications
    • Media Studies
    • Political Science
    • and related fields …

    What is Journalism?

    Journalism is so much more than simply writing for a newspaper or reporting the news on air and television. People working in the Journalism, media and communications field have to always be one step ahead of society. They have to identify, gather, monitor, evaluate, censor and distribute information. There is a wide variety of career opportunities that form part of these fields. The kind of experience one attains and skills one acquires is priceless. You have to be willing to open your mind to understand the bigger picture and see the truth behind the lies.

    If you are camera shy, then behind-the-scenes is where the magic happens. Producing relevant, accurate, honest and captivating content to distribute to the public is no easy job but for the curious cat and creative mind, it is a good challenge to constantly keep you on your toes. Whether you are involved in production, reporting, writing, broadcasting, presenting, researching, monitoring or capturing footage, it never gets boring. The world of Media, Journalism and Politics is fast paced and ever changing. 

    You have the power to make a difference to the state of the world. Get involved in the community and know your surroundings well. Keep up to date with the latest news and stand up against injustice and human rights violations. You have a voice and it deserves to be heard to end injustice, oppression and corruption. In the Political, Media and Journalism world, your are given the platform to be an agent of change and advocate for justice. 

    The South African Muslim Network Bursary is available to assist students in these fields.
    Email us : for an application form

    Besides the SAMNET bursary, there are many other Media Bursaries available. We have compiled a list of all available Bursaries in South Africa related to these fields. Kindly see below.


    Southern African Journalists’ Bursary 2020 – 2021

    The International Journalists’ Programmes or IJP grants bursaries to up to six young Southern African or SADC-Member States namely: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe + Kenya as well as up to five young German journalists. Southern African successful candidates will have the chance to work in Germany for two months. They will be integrated into the day-to-day journalism of their host newsroom while also researching stories for their home media.The bursary also aims to allow young journalists to obtain important knowledge about the political, economical, cultural as well as the social fabric of the host country.

    Requirements and Eligibility

    • Journalists between the age of 25 and 40
    • Citizens from Southern Africa

    Send your complete applications through email at

    Learn more

    Mpumalanga Provincial Government Bursary South Africa 2020 – 2021

    The Government of the Mpumalanga Province are awarding bursaries to unemployed students who wish to further their studies in one of the scarce skills sectors within the country.

    Applications are available here

    Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
    1) Post:
    The Bursary Unit
    Mpumalanga Department of Education
    Private Bag X 11341

    2) Hand delivered:
    The Department of Education (Provincial Office)
    Riverside Government Complex Building
    5 Upper Ground Floor

    You may Contact the Department at: 013 766 5355

    *Please note: email and fax applications will NOT be accepted.


    Astron Energy Bursary South Africa

    The bursary will provide coverage for the following study related expenses: tuition fees, prescribed textbooks, accommodation and meals. Students may also have the opportunity to take part in in service training and placement in the graduate development program.

    Applications must be done in one of the following ways:
    1) Online at:
    (You will need to register an account and then login to complete your application. The promo code to be used is: Astron Energy 2020)

    2) By submitting copies of the below documents via email or fax:
    Fax: 086 609 7183

    Contact –  Tel: 086 100 8777

    Learn more

    Bushbuckridge Local Municipality Bursary

    Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying. Students who meet the minimum eligibility criteria can request a copy of the application form by emailing:

    Contact Person: Mr Maunye S
    Tel: 013 004 0292
    Cell: 071 607 8090

    Learn more

    The Islam Development Bank (IDB) Education Trust Bursary Loan South Africa

    The IDB Education Trust has loan bursary awards for 1st year Muslim South African students studying at South African universities. The loan bursaries are interest-free. Bursary loans are for 1st year students only and can be renewed annually. The bursary will cover tuition costs and monthly allowances. The student will be required to repay the bursary loan on completion of their studies, over a duration equal to the time it took to complete their qualification.

    Apply online at:


    Tel: 031 207 3871
    Fax: 031 207 3871
    Address: 1 McCafferty Road, Sherwood, Durban (Head Office)
    P O Box 19042, Dormerton, 4015

    Learn more

    Muslim Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) / Voice of the Cape (VOC) Bursary South Africa

    The VOC, in conjunction with the Muslim Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), will be awarding bursaries in all fields of study, however those studying Media or Islamic Studies will receive preference.

    The bursary will provide cover for tuition fees ONLY – textbooks, accommodation and transport are NOT covered. Bursaries are awarded on an annual basis and students must reapply for funding each year.

    Bursary recipients will be required to take part in the internship programme while studying and enter a service contract after graduation.

    Download and complete the VOC MBC Bursary Application Form (.pdf)

    Applicants should also download and agree to the VOC MBC Bursary Criteria (.pdf) before applying.

    Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
    1) Post:
    P.O Box 16210

    2) Hand delivery:
    Voice of the Cape
    The Bursary Department
    2 Queens Park Ave
    Salt River

    (Please note that faxed and emailed application will NOT be accepted).

    Learn More

    Revolution Media Academy (RMA) Bursary South Africa

    Each year, RMA awards 10 bursaries/ scholarships to deserving students, who strong academic potential and financial need.

    There are two types of bursaries to be awarded:
    1) Full cost bursaries: these will cover all study fees.
    2) Partial bursaries: these will cover approximately 50% of tuition fees.

    Download and complete the Revolution Media Academy Bursary Application Form (.pdf)

    Applications must be submitted to one of the following offices:

    • Johannesburg Head Office – Floor 8, His Majesty’s building, 53 Elof Street, Corner Commissioner, Johannesburg CBD, Gauteng
    • Pretoria Campus – Floor 9, Apollo Building, 405 Stanza Bopape Street, (formerly Du Toit Corner Church Street) Pretoria, Gauteng


    Tel: 011 492 0499

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    What is the Old Mutual Education Trust?

    The Old Mutual Education Trust provides educational benefits when studying full-time, part-time or through distance-learning. This applies to a first-time undergraduate Degree/BTech/Diploma, at an accredited Higher Education Institution in South Africa to Members, Employees and their Dependants.

    Learn more

    Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Services SETA) Bursary South Africa

    It is one of the 21 SETAs in South Africa, all of which are responsible for the creation and manegement of internships, learnerships, apprenticeships and skills programmes. All industries in the country are covered by the SETAs. Services SETA will be awarding bursary funding to both employed and unemployed learners, specifically those studying educational programmes within the services industry.

    The Services SETA bursary will cover either full or partial amounts of the following study related expenses: tuition fees, prescribed textbooks, accommodation and meals (unemployed students only), as well as a travel and research allowance (Masters and PhD students only).

    Applications must be done online, by Registering at:

    Once you have registered, you may Login and proceed with your application.


    Tel: 011 051 5026

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    Canon Collins Thekgo Bursaries

    Thekgo bursaries accept postgraduate and undergraduate level in the following disciplines:

    • Languages and Literature
    • Media Studies
    • Gender Studies
    • Education
    • Arts (Digital Arts, Drama/Performance Studies, Visual Arts/Fine Arts, History of Art, Film and Television Studies, Music)

    Bursaries will only be awarded to students at public universities in Limpopo and North-West provinces such as University of Limpopo, University of Venda and University of North-West. About 5-7 bursaries of up to R7500 per year will be given base on the number of applicants.


    Learn more

    MultiChoice MTFza : Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2020

    If you’re a 2nd year or higher university student studying towards a diploma or degree in film and TV or related qualification in need of financial assistance, you are invited to apply for the MTFza one year bursary.

    Who qualifies?

    • 2nd year or higher of diploma/degree in film and TV or related qualification
    • South African citizens
    • Be 18 years and older
    • Achieved at least a C+ aggregate in the previous academic year

    Learn more

    SABC Education Bursary Scheme

    Bursary Information

    • Electronic Media
    • Animation
    • Graphic Design
    • Television Production
    • Radio Production

    Applications close 31 October
    Applications available at

    Find out more

    MEDIA24 Journalism Bursary

    Media24 is offering bursaries for postgraduate students specializing in Journalism who are studying in either NWU, Rhodes, Stellenbosch and Wits university. \

    Email :

    Learn more

    Jakes Gerwel Fellowship 2021

    Jakes Gerwel Fellowship is a full university scholarship that provides extensive mentoring and leadership development for top learners with a passion for teaching and education.

    • Bachelor of Arts
    • Science
    • Commerce

    The bursary is for:

    • Grade 12 learners
    • 1st year level students (apply as part of the undergraduate intake)
    • Final year students (apply to be part of the PGCE intake)

    Beneficiaries of the fellowship will be studying at University of Cape Town or the University of Pretoria

    Extended closing date: 20 August 


    Learn more


    City of Johannesburg Bursary South Africa

    The City of Johannesburg will be awarding 100 bursaries within certain fields of study.

    The bursary will cover the following expenses: registration fees, tuition fees, prescribed textbooks and study material – the cover will be limited to R25 000 per year. Bursaries are renewed each year, depending on academic performance.

    To apply, Download and complete the City of Johannesburg Bursary Application Form (.pdf)

    Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
    1) Post:
    City of Johannesburg Municipality
    Group Corporate & Shared Services (Organisational Capacitation)
    P.O. Box 1049
    (Attention: Bursary Office)

    2) Hand delivery:
    Reception Area
    Ground Floor A-Block
    Metropolitan Centre
    Braamfontein (opposite the Civic Theatre)

    Contact Person: Billy Baloyi
    Tel: 011 407 6979 / 0860 562 874

    Learn more

    The Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) Bursary South Africa

    Bursaries will be awarded to students within the following fields of study: Economics (BCom), Environment (BSc) and Tourism

    The bursary will cover the following expenses: tuition, prescribed study material, accommodation and meals (up to a certain amount). Once students have graduated, they will be required to intern for the department for one year.

    *Preference will be given to students from rural and impoverished areas.

    Application forms can be collected at your nearest DEDEAT regional office or the DEDEAT Head office (addresses below), between June and September annually.


    Tel: 043 707 4000

    Learn more

    The Professional Provident Society (PPS) of South Africa Bursary

    PPS will be awarding bursaries to students pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) studies, which are scarce and critical skill requirements within the country. Students pursuing Humanities studies can also apply for funding.

    Bursaries will provide cover from 1st year to Honours. The PPS bursary will provide cover for the following expenses: tuition fees, prescribed textbooks, meals and accommodation at university residence.

    Applications must be done online at:


    Learn More