Category: Press Releases



    The latest morally reprehensible Covid 19 PPE scandal comes as no surprise. This is what we have come to expect from a political leadership focused on looting the public purse. Unashamed nepotism, graft and corruption is part of a moral decay that has pervaded state organs, the parastatals and the leadership in various municipalities, provinces and national government. The public is tired of speeches and ‘integrity commissions’ resulting in no confidence building outcomes.

    Concrete outcomes like the prosecution and imprisonment of the perpetrators of corruption will go a long way in rebuilding our fragmented society. Government has no option but to immediately increase the resources available to the various arms of the criminal justice system that deal specifically with corruption (government corruption in particular) and to ensure that these institutions are totally independent of political interference. In addition, and bearing in mind the capacity deficits in the state, it is critically important to build strategic partnerships with the private sector build the necessary capacity. The appointment and promotion of corruption accused Zandile Gumede to the KZN legislature defies logic and makes a mockery of the promises made by the ANC to deal decisively with corruption and nepotism. It is now quite evident that the ANC is unable to correct itself on its own and with this appointment showing the public, its voters and donors the proverbial middle finger. It is, regrettably, clear that the ANC is unwilling and/or incapable of self-correcting and taking the necessary action needed to halt its moral decay and stop itself from spiraling into an abyss of corruption and maleficence.

    South Africans have had enough!

    We are staring down the barrel of a popular revolution if the rampant theft is not halted immediately. We call on Government, and the ruling parties in the provinces, to spare no effort in doing whatever is needed to stem the looting immediately. There are internal and particularly external forces that would like to see our beautiful country made ungovernable and will exploit the general disenchantment, financial woes and dissatisfaction of the public to push for a “revolution” which will only make things worse. The longer we allow the present rot to ferment, the higher the chances and the opportunities for nefarious agendas.

    It must be made clear to all political parties, tenderpreneurs of all political persuasions and the corrupt private businesses and institutions who facilitate this corruption that none will be spared and the long arm of the law will take its course decisively. The role of well-meaning NGO’s inadvertently contributing to theft of the public purse must be critically evaluated and leveraged differently. It is common knowledge that much of the money that is allocated to or budgeted for service delivery, poverty relief, feeding schemes and most recently PPE, is being stolen by tenderpreneurs working with comrades in municipal, provincial and national government.

    Well-meaning NGO’s, religious bodies, civic and cultural organisation etc. step in to fill the vacuum left by Government’s ineptitude and corruption, to provide some relief for the public. The very same public is often told by councilors and political parties that the relief brought by NGO’s/church bodies etc. has been organized by them. It is by the “grace” of these comrades, councilors and political party members that the relief was brought to these areas. Often those very same people continue to support and vote for those particular political parties, whether in national or municipal elections and the corruption cycle perpetuates itself. Clearly, we all have a moral duty to support and help our fellow beings. However it is time well meaning NGO’s and humanitarians think differently to leverage all of the work they are doing to ensure the cycle of corruption and rampant theft of the public purse is brought to a halt and accountability restored.

    There are too many skeletons within the ANC’s cupboards for it to be able to take the decisive action necessary. The constant recycling of corruption linked and inept comrades is proof of this. Therefore, it now lies with civil society to once again mobilize in the same way we did against apartheid to preserve the future of our country and our children. We must help the ANC to save itself, even it if means forcing it into action by mass action. In addition, the same must apply to other political parties who also have their fair share of looters and incompetent deployees.

    “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be
    against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of
    both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or
    refuse [to give it], verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do”
    [Chapter An’isa – 4: verse135]

    For Muslims Almighty God’s literal words in his final testament, the Holy Quran, are unequivocal for those who believe – to firstly practice justice, honesty and integrity; and secondly to stand up, literally and figuratively, for social justice. The corruption scourge is a greater danger to this country than the coronavirus and once again, it is now time for civil society to rise up collectively, free of party politics, to save our country. It is now upon civil society to save our own country from internal and external looters and from those who want to exploit the present circumstances. It is time to mobilize together and send a clear message to the Government, all political parties and to the looters, irrespective of which political party they are aligned to, that we demand integrity and competence.

    We support the call to action for a UDF styled mass movement to eradicate the scourge of corruption. South Africans on stood up and made huge sacrifices to defeat apartheid and it is now necessary for us once again stand up and be counted to preserve the future of our country and our children. We need to emphasize that it is not only the ANC that is plagued with shameless looters and our collective front must be a warning to the other political parties who are infected too.

    Intra-party and inter party conflicts and killings are linked to the politics of patronage and the looting of the public purse. We believe that all political parties should sign a pledge of honesty where politicians commit themselves to clean governance and agree to swift punishment. It is presently too easy for them to skirt around the rules of their respective parties and escape accountability and punishment .We should withhold support and donations to political parties until they made this pledge and commitment.

    Enough is enough!

    South Africans demand clear and decisive action immediately, not promises of action.

    Dr F. Suliman

  • Letter – Presidency – Covid 19 Support

    07 May 2020

              MR. CYRIL RAMAPHOSA


    Dear Honourable President Ramaphosa


    SAMNET supports all the principles of Affirmative Action, Equity and Transformation, but agree that the withholding of any support, social, medical, economic or otherwise, in response to a national crisis, on the basis of any criteria Race, Religion, Ethnicity, Gender, or other differences is counter to building a non-racial and non discriminatory society and a South Africa for all its citizens.

    Business is interconnected with the economic activity and provisions of every employee, their family, dependents and community. The policy of the Department of Tourism to base support based on race will impact on all types of South Africans especially the struggling low income and middle income earners of all races employed by any business. We call on the President as our leader and a key drafter of our constitution, on government and the NCC addressing this crisis and the ANC as the governing party based in its roots as a non-racial, inclusive organization to recognize the damaging impact this will have and to reverse this decision immediately.

    This will set an untenable precedent for future decisions, which could determine social or medical benefits being withheld, based on race or other discriminatory factors. At a time when we need to support every entrepreneur and Small Business owner who can save and create employment, we must not unintentionally create poverty and hardship by terminating, discouraging or deterring business.

    Kind Regards
    Dr Faisal Suliman
    Chairman of SAMNET

  • Letter – Minister of Police

    28 April 2020

              Honourable general Bheki Cele

             Ms Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula

             Ms A Dlodlo

             Dr Naledi Pandor

    Dear General Cele


    South African Muslim Network notes comments attribute to yourself expressing regret for the derogatory comments about Islam and Almighty God’s last Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him and all God’s prophets) made by a policeman, on 24th April 2020, during the raids/arrest of Muslim worshipers who were in contravention of lockdown regulations.

    Notwithstanding the transgression of the worshipers, the insults made by the attending police people were very offensive and in contravention of all South Africans constitutionally enshrined right to religious freedom, dignity and self-respect.

    We do not know whether the comments made by the arresting officers were:
    a. Out of anger,
    b. Reflective of poor knowledge or misconception about the Muslim religious beliefs
    c. As a result of either, an Islamophobic mindset garnered over time as a result of watching blatantly biased coverage about Islam and Muslims in films, news and mainstream media etc.
    d. Or more concerning and dangerous for the rainbow nation , is whether during police briefing sessions before deployment, or during college training, or during specialized training for crowd control or terrorism or any insurgency, there is training or briefing material could be the cause of a misconception about Islam.

    It is common knowledge that all our security structures cooperate highly with western security structures and there is sharing of material, professionals and skills transfers especially since 9-11 and the War on Terror, with the Western governments pushing their world view Vis-a-Vis Islam and a one-world order. The Islamophobic mentality of many of the western governments is well documented and no secret at all and the skills transfers and training of our people whether locally or in their countries comes with ensuring that their worldview is entrenched in their material and training and any other financial or logistical support.

    Our concern is that those training manuals and mentality have been incorporated to the SAPS, SSA, SANDF and other like bodies and this is reflective in the attitude of the police officers during the raid. We strongly believe the material being used in colleges, in training and briefings, especially when it
    originates from western security structures must be reviewed to ensure there is no racist or bias toward any religion or minority group. The behaviour of the specific police officers also has to be investigated and they should undergo some sensitivity training about religion and diversity. We would gladly assist with arranging of such education.

    Kind regards
    Dr. Faisal Suliman