Category: Condolences

  • Devadas Paul David

    13 August 2020


    We are deeply saddened by the demise of the last member of the ‘Consulate Six’ – One of South
    Africa’s great icons and freedom fighters, Devadas Paul David. The South African Muslim Network
    (SAMNET) joins all South Africans in mourning the loss of the anti-apartheid veteran.

    Our democratic freedoms are due to the great sacrifices made by our activists and will never be

    We convey our sincere condolences to the family, friends and comrades of Devadas Paul David and to South Africans at large.


    13 July 2020



    The South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) joins all South Africans in mourning the
    passing of our fearless leader, Zindzi Mandela. A remarkable woman who will always be
    remembered for her fighting spirit, resilience and devotion toward the liberation of our country.

    The history and sacrifice of Ms Mandela will live on forever. We will never forget the strong
    woman who was born and raised in extreme turmoil, banished with her fearless mother, Mama
    Winnie. Zindzis’ voice echoed throughout the country during the dark apartheid struggle in the
    fight for freedom of her father, our president and the freedom of South Africa. She certainly
    had the fearless blood of her mother, Mama Winnie and the Mandela family spirit.

    We convey our sincere condolences to the Mandela Family, DIRCO, The Nelson Mandela
    Foundation, Winnie Mandela Foundation, and African National Congress and to all South
    Africans at large.

    Kind Regards
    Dr Faisal Suliman
    Chairperson of SAMNET

  • A Tribute to Mr. Hassim Seedat

    In the name of God Almighty, most gracious and most merciful.
    ‘O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.’ – Holy Quraan, Chapter 4, Verse 135.

    Hassim Seedat lived by these words. The Muslims are commanded unequivocally to speak truth to power, to stand with the poor, the oppressed and the disenfranchised. Hassim Seedat dedicated his life to this ideal. He served as an example to all of us especially in this day
    when patronage, material consumption and accumulation of wealth seems to be the order of the day. Hassim Seedat reminded us about servant leadership.

    At this time we would like to also express that our country owes gratitude to his wife and family, who like the many other struggle families, sacrificed the time, freedoms and comforts to bring us to where we are today.

    In light of his life, our best means to honor Hassim Seedat, is through keeping up the fight for the principles of justice and non-racialism, and to take time to record, celebrate and convey the histories of those who, like him, have shown us the path.

    We pray that his example and life inspires future generations.

    The Memorial Service for the late Hassim Mohamed Seedat will be held at the Orient Hall, Centenary Road, Durban on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 at 17H00.