Category: Campaigns



    The South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) would like our community to Identify/Headhunt and Nominate Suitably Qualified, Academically and Experienced people who could serve as trustees of the The Professional Provident Society (PPS).

    We believe it is important for Muslims to be represented in all aspects of life and be part of various Boards, Charities and Welfare Organizations in Religious or Secular Organizations/Associations/NGOs, as it is an important part of giving back to the community and the country as well as a form of dawah.

    Our participation and willingness to contribute and uplift others, together with our Akhlaaq, is an excellent and practical method of correcting misconceptions about Islam, Muslims and debunking stereotypes about us.

    To this end, let us identify eligible and suitable candidates for the PPS board and then ask ordinary members of PPS to vote for them.

    We would like you to forward this to friends, family, colleagues and/or acquaintances that know of members of PPS who want to make themselves available or to suggest candidates as soon as possible.

    SAMNET would like to compile a list of Muslim candidates for the board elections of PPS and then send out the list to ordinary members of PPS to vote before the Election deadline.

    Kindly note: DEADLINE for Submission of Nominee/s

    20 February 2021 at 12:30 pm.

    Submit names of people who are eligible via email to:





    The Proposal

    The South African Muslim network would like to propose an Association of Muslims in Southern Africa involved in Media, Broadcasting, Journalism, Marketing and related fields. Our research shows that no such association exists at present and we believe this is necessary to form. Purpose outlined below.

    The Benefits

    Why Form an Association?  

    • Networking and making connections benefit one and all in the media, journalism and related fields
    • Connecting with Journalists in other areas across Southern Africa
    • Content development, producing and not just reporting/consuming news
    • Promotion of the industry and promoting interest in the industry
    • Produce Accurate, True, Reliable, Credible and unbiased content to represent the current affairs in the Muslim world to dispel misconceptions and correct Misinformation spread by other media sources.
    • Students can seek mentorship from Media experts, Marketing Professionals, Journalists and Political experts from this association
    • Skills development
    • Sharing ideas, discuss visions, career guidance, collaborations with experts in the same fields etc.
    • Staying informed and updated on changes and issues in a variety of communities. Staying current on trends in the industry.
    • Retired Journalists, media experts can share experiences, stories, provide guidance to upcoming journalists, impart wisdom and advice to attain success.
    • Assessment of the image and representation of Muslims
    • Exchange and sharing of resources and assistance

    (To be discussed further)


    Who should join?

    Individuals involved in the following fields:

    • Media and marketing
    • People involved in Public Relations and/or Advertising
    • Print media
    • Radio broadcasting
    • Television broadcasting/production
    • Journalists
    • People Involved in Media Advocacy

    …. and Related fields

    How will it function?

    This will be a Voluntary association and membership, funding, and administrative functions to be decided once a working team is established

    Guidelines to consider when creating an Association

    • The Association needs to have a Vision and Mission that is mutually shared by members
    • In the beginning stages, the Association may need to offer incentives or opportunities to attract professionals and experts to join until growth is successful
    • A Board of Members who are successful in their fields to lead the joining members.
    • A diverse culture needs to be established to accommodate a diversity of people involved in the association, making all feel welcome and comfortable.
    • Membership and financial running costs? Would there be a member ship fees? Funding.

    Name (Suggestions)

    1. Southern African Association of ….
    2. SA Muslim Media, Marketing and Journalism Association
    3. Association of Muslim Media, Marketing and Journalism in Southern Africa

     (Open to more Suggestions/ideas)

    About us summary (Example)

    This Association is a professional network for journalists, media professionals, PR professionals, media advocates, political professionals and members involved in related fields in South Africa.

    The Association provides a forum for members to network, stay up-to-date with latest issues in the Muslim Community, be involved in effective Media Advocacy and social media activism as well as inspire future generations to become selflessly involved in the community.

    Aims, Objectives and Campaigns suggestions

    • Creating a forum that facilitates contact between professionals and non-professionals sharing similar interests in the world of Media, Activism, Politics and other journalism related fields.
    • Allowing members to network with each other and discuss and/or address issues locally and internationally.
    • Provide truthful, accurate, reliable and unbiased coverage on news and current affairs
    • Educating students, at high school and tertiary level, about Islamophobia, Injustice, Hate Crimes, Religious intolerance, inequality, inhumanity, immorality and unlawful practices.
    • Strengthen the various affiliated professions
    • Improve the accuracy, honesty, integrity, humanity, transparency and fairness in all forms of publications and posts shared with the public.
    • Inspire, encourage and assist the youth to get involved in the Journalism, media advocacy, humanities, activism and/or political fields.
    • Addressing glass ceiling/discrimination issues affecting members
    • Aces funding for bursaries, research, post graduate studies
    • Networking with international bodies

    Governance and Administration

    • Membership
    • Articles of association
    • Code of conduct
    • Board/management team

    To be discussed further…

    Examples of other Associations

    Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) – India

    This Association provides a platform for all Muslim professionals to share their skills, resources and knowledge to develop the community and empower the Muslims in India educationally, socially, politically and economically. They also empower the youth and assist those that are gifted but ignored or not given the opportunity to succeed.

    What do they do?

    They offer scholarships, training programmes, career counselling, skills developments programmes, relief and welfare activities and more.

    Each member pays a membership fee and this money is used to fund the projects and to keep the Association running.

    Association of European Journalists

    This is an independent non-profit international association that has no ties with any political parties or unions. They function democratically with a General Assembly and Board.

    The Association consists of Journalists all over Europe to create and promote European Harmony and defend Freedom of information and freedom of the press in Europe.

    International Federation of Journalists

    They promote and defend professional and ethical journalism in its role as a cornerstone of democracy and freedom, and be in the vanguard of creating a media culture that is ethically based, driven by the public interest and fit for the digital age.

    They have created various campaigns and have a media center in which they produce newsletters, blogs and news covering international news and the work they do.

    The IFJ policy is decided democratically at a Congress which meets every three years and work is carried out by the Secretariat under the direction of an elected Executive Committee.


    • Social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram)
    • Official Website
    • National, local and community print media and radio broadcasting
    • Running a monthly or weekly newsletter
    • Internet access for Webinars/online meetings

    (To be discussed further)




  • Heritage Sites Nominations



    The Cape Mazaar Society (CMS) and Vidamemoria have initiated a serial nomination of the Kramats/Mazaars towards the declaration of the ‘Circle of Tombs’ as National Heritage Sites. Nominations were discussed at the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) Grading Committee held 15 September 2020. Before declaration can be considered, a commenting process as prescribed in terms of Section 27 of the National Heritage Resources Act is to be undertaken. SAHRA will oversee formal notification to owners and conservation bodies. CMS are inviting interested and affected parties to make submissions regarding proposed declaration, where such process is running concurrently with the formal commenting process. 

    The following Kramats have been identified within the first phase of the serial nomination:

    Sheikh Yusuf Kramat, Faure Sheikh M Hassen Ghaibie Shah, Signal Hill
    Sayed Mahmud, Summit Road Constantia Tuan Kaape-ti-low, Signal Hill
    Sheikh Abdul Mutalib, Constantia Forest Sayed Moegsien bin Alawie, Mowbray
    Sheikh Abdurahman Matebe Shah, Constantia Sheikh A ibn Muhammad AlIraqi, Mowbray
    Tuan Dea Koasa, Simonstown Sheikh Noorul Mubeen, Oudekraal
    Tuan Ismail Dea Malela, Simonstown Note the remainder of Kramats/Mazaars will be nominated in the next phase of the serial nominations.

    As the South African Muslim Network, we support the serial nomination of the sites, as it is part of the Multi-cultural and multi-religious diversity of our rainbow nation. It is important in terms of history as well as for the preservation of culture and religion. These sites are very important for religious tourism; people from all over the world come to visit these significant religious and historical sites, and therefore, a source of revenue for the towns/cities in the areas that these are located.

    Learn more