Category: Campaigns

  • Women Rights – Abused!

    MODESTY – A way of life

    Modesty is a way of life. Dressing and behaving modestly is prevalent in every religion. Covering the head and entire body is a practice that can be traced back to centuries ago. Every Human Rights Charter states that Humans have the Right to Life, The right to Equality, the Right to practice and Religion, Right to Freedom of Choice and the right to Safety and Security!

    But Muslim Women in particular are attacked for dressing modestly and once again banned from covering their head….

    All of these rights are being abused!

    Modesty is a part of every religion and yet only problematic when it comes to Muslims?


    ”And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty”, except to those mentioned in the quran (Holy book) that they are allowed to.

    (Surah An-Nur 24:31)


    “Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control”.

    (Timothy 2:9-10)


    TZNIUT – Modesty is the foundation of Jewish values and is one of the fundamental underpinnings of the Jewish family. The classical symbol of tzniut is the veil. It bespeaks privacy, a person apart; Isaiah (3:18) calls it tiferet (“glory”).

     (Rabbi Maurice Lamm)


    “You should lower your gaze and should not look up. You should put your feet together and you should not reveal what the garment and the veil conceals.”

    (Rig Veda Book no. 8 Hymn no. 33 V. no. 19)


    On 27th April, join SAMNET and women around the world, by wearing a head covering and a handwritten note in the palm of your hand to show solidarity with the women in Islam in support of a woman’s right to FREEDOM OF CHOICE!

    Use the hashtags #handsoffmyhijab #mybodymychoice #istandwithher #womeninsolidarity and join the movement.

    When people stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?!



  • RAMADAN 2021


    The spirit of Ramadan is not just in abstaining from eating & drinking, it is a sacred time to nourish and purify the heart, mind and soul. Ramadan is usually in the atmosphere of mixing with friends and family in the community, making more effort to be punctual with every Sallah (Prayer), increasing the recitation of Quran and Zikr, spending extra time in the Mosque, especially for the night prayer, Taraweeh, sharing meals when breaking the fast, giving lots of charity and most importantly this is the month for spiritual upliftment.

    The practices and traditions of Ramadan are culturally embedded in every household. Bearing in mind, that we are still in a Covid pandemic, it is vital to continue practicing social distancing, wear a face mask and/or face shield, sanitize and wash your hands frequently and abide by the rules of protection, especially when in the Mosques or religious gatherings or mixing with family.

    Ramadan is also a month of Reflection, when reflecting on our own lives, we should take time to reflect on the lives of all those suffering in the world, try to assist someone in need by donating generously and remember the Muslim Ummah in our duas.

    May the Almighty, Allah (SWT) Accept from us all.

    Take care and Keep safe!


  • Did you hear us?



    Dr. Faisal Suliman, Chairperson of SAMNET, talks about the ongoing SGB Elections and SAMNET’s call for the Muslim community to actively participate in the elections.

    Listen to  the full interview here. Click on the link provided


    Radio Islam International spoke to Dr Faisal Suliman (Chairperson of SAMNET)
    Listen here :