Author: ADMIN



    The South African Muslim Network has sent the following letter to Mr Gary Player asking him to return the US Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to him by Donald Trump.

    We would like to ask that your organization consider the same. We believe that it is not acceptable for any South African to receive or keep a Freedom Medal from the current US President. Donald Trump has repeatedly demonstrated racist, prejudicial and bigoted behaviour. He has derided individuals, communities, refugees and countries. He has spread lies and hatred, and condoned terrorist actions.

    We find that Mr Gary Player accepting this award, especially in light of events in Washington this week must be encouraged to return it and be given an opportunity to do so. Please feel free to encourage other organisations, individuals and leaders to support this call. Please find below our open letter to Mr Player.

    Kind regards
    Dr F. Suliman

    08 January 2021


    Dear Black Knight


    It has come to our attention that you received the US Presidential Medal of Freedom from Donald Trump for your contribution to golf.


    As a South African, and despite the many who are critical of your stand on sport as a young man during Apartheid, we respect you as a Sportsman and fellow Countryman. We respect that over time you came to see the wrongs of Apartheid and for what you did for your country and its citizens.
    We respect that the late President Nelson Mandela honoured you as a symbol of South African excellence, unity, and change.


    We implore you to reconsider your acceptance of this award. Sadly, we cannot congratulate on what should be a proud moment. Considering the events of the last few days, the many actions, tweets and utterances of the person giving you the award over many years, we would like to highlight that accepting an award from Donald Trump, especially at this time, is not in keeping with the values and beliefs of being a South African. As someone who spoke highly of President Mandela, and who met him many times, we ask you to consider if President Mandela would have approved. As South Africans, we would like to join the calls for you to return the award.

    It is not just about a medal. Who gives an award and when it is given, how it is given and where it is given is important!


    You were witness to institutional racism, on a rainy evening outside a beautiful old building in Durban, given by people who refused to respect another human, who won fair and with humility, based only on his race. To accept an award from a bigot, racist and liar, who undermines the democratic processes of his own country is wrong! To accept an award within days of him manipulating and encouraging a violent racist mob to an illegal act of terrorism upon his own people democratically elected officials is wrong! To accept an award, at the White House in a private ceremony, within a short distance of the US Capitol Buildings, this week is wrong!


    As South Africa’s we urge you to return THIS award, from THIS US President, at THIS time.
    Mr Player, you do not need to prove anything to anyone. This award gives you nothing, but keeping it takes away too much from too many who have sacrificed for the respect of fellow humans, and for those who gave their lives for freedom of our country and many others around Africa and the world. You may have made a choice to accept this award under different circumstances, and maybe from another president at another time we could be proud of a son of Africa, but we fear keeping it will tarnish your legacy and the great memories your countrymen and women have of you.


    Kind Regards
    The SAMNET Board of Directors

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    Does SAMNET offer courses in Journalism or Media Studies?

    SAMNET DOES NOT offer any courses or study programs. The bursary fund is available to assist students who are in extreme financial difficulty and cannot pay their university fees at accredited institutes.

    Who can apply?

    The fund is ONLY open to students who are interested in careers in the Journalism, Media, Communications and Political Fields.
    Students in the Commerce, Finance, Engineering, Education, Science, Medical Fields and so forth WILL NOT be considered.

    How do I get an Application Form?

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    All successful candidates will be contacted further

  • Heritage Sites Nominations



    The Cape Mazaar Society (CMS) and Vidamemoria have initiated a serial nomination of the Kramats/Mazaars towards the declaration of the ‘Circle of Tombs’ as National Heritage Sites. Nominations were discussed at the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) Grading Committee held 15 September 2020. Before declaration can be considered, a commenting process as prescribed in terms of Section 27 of the National Heritage Resources Act is to be undertaken. SAHRA will oversee formal notification to owners and conservation bodies. CMS are inviting interested and affected parties to make submissions regarding proposed declaration, where such process is running concurrently with the formal commenting process. 

    The following Kramats have been identified within the first phase of the serial nomination:

    Sheikh Yusuf Kramat, Faure Sheikh M Hassen Ghaibie Shah, Signal Hill
    Sayed Mahmud, Summit Road Constantia Tuan Kaape-ti-low, Signal Hill
    Sheikh Abdul Mutalib, Constantia Forest Sayed Moegsien bin Alawie, Mowbray
    Sheikh Abdurahman Matebe Shah, Constantia Sheikh A ibn Muhammad AlIraqi, Mowbray
    Tuan Dea Koasa, Simonstown Sheikh Noorul Mubeen, Oudekraal
    Tuan Ismail Dea Malela, Simonstown Note the remainder of Kramats/Mazaars will be nominated in the next phase of the serial nominations.

    As the South African Muslim Network, we support the serial nomination of the sites, as it is part of the Multi-cultural and multi-religious diversity of our rainbow nation. It is important in terms of history as well as for the preservation of culture and religion. These sites are very important for religious tourism; people from all over the world come to visit these significant religious and historical sites, and therefore, a source of revenue for the towns/cities in the areas that these are located.

    Learn more