Author: ADMIN

  • Opposition to the Establishment of a Nudist Beach – The Hibiscus Coast

    SAMNET joins other religious, social and community-based organisations in opposing the application for an exclusivist nudist beach on the Hibiscus Coast. Our offices have been inundated with calls from our community, many of whom live and work on the Hibiscus Coast, to ensure that we make clear to you that large numbers of people and rate payers are fervently opposed to any nudist beach, anywhere.

  • Opposition to “Mini Casinos” in Shopping Centres

    The South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) notes with concern the application from some of the larger shopping centres in Kwazulu Natal to have electronic bingo terminals (EBTs) or “mini casinos” installed on their premises.


    The South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) congratulates you on your appointment as Chairperson of the SABC Board. There are, however, many concerns and issues that our community has regarding the SABC, including a real perception that the SABC has a very anti-Muslim bias in its entertainment and current affairs content. We would like to meet with you when next you are in Durban. We look forward to positive engagement between ourselves and Board and management in the interest of sticking to the mandate of the SABC to deliver unbiased content in the interests of all South Africans.