Author: ADMIN

  • [Watch] Seeing Muhammed – and each other – whole: Lesley Hazleton

    ‘Whether we are secular or religious, theist or atheist or anywhere in between, we are all impacted by the words and actions of extremists. What happens in one tiny corner of the world now reverberates globally. But whether we live in Tehran or Tel Aviv, in New York or New Delhi, we do have a choice. We can refuse… Refuse to allow ourselves to be led by anger and suspicion. Refuse to allow ourselves to be manipulated by extremists of all stripes. Refuse their narrow vision, their comic book distortions, their miserably small minds. We have to reclaim the narrative, the full narrative. Beyond stereotypes, beyond snap judgements, beyond headscarves. Just as we need to see Muhammed whole, so we need to start seeing each other whole, in good faith.’ – Lesley Hazleton


  • [Watch] ‘What I Love about Islam’ by Rev. Dr. Mellen Kennedy

    The Reverend shares what her friend, who grew up during the time of Nazi Germany, told her.

    ‘.. what I see going on in the world now and in the United States, it reminds me of my childhood in Austria and in that time, it was the Jews that were being maligned. Now it’s the Muslims.’

    The Reverend continues: ‘The right hand man of Hitler, a Nazi in the Nuremberg trials, he said.. the people do not want war, that’s a given, but the people can be brought to the bidding of their leaders. It works the same in all countries. All you have to do is convince the people they are under attack, make them afraid, condemn the pacifists for being unpatriotic and the people will come to the bidding of their leaders.’

    ‘We are in the midst of such a time. People are afraid of they don’t understand. I implore you, do not fall for this ruse.’



    The South African Network and the Caring Sisters Network (SAMNET/CSN) encourage all to attend the talks by these experts and researchers.

    We so often donate money to these places but we don’t really know what’s going on.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to the experts and improve your knowledge so you can educate others. This will give you a better understanding of what you are donating toward. As we know, it is a hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) that the Ummah is like a body and when one part gets hurt, the entire body feels the pain.

    Our pain, compassion and empathy for all fellow Muslims should not be confined to giving donations; it is also about hearing about their stories, educating ourselves and educating others. Showing respect to these speakers by your presence will motivate them to continue their work. If they are speaking to empty halls, it surely must demoralize them about how interested South African Muslims really are in the plight of fellow Muslims all over the world.

    We urge you to take the time to attend these talks.

    Kind regards

    The SAMNET/CSN Team