Author: ADMIN

  • National Mosque Open Day – Call to Mosques

    Dear Musjid Representative

    Should you want to add your Musjid to the National Mosque Open Day, kindly send an e-mail request to with the following details (Subject line: National Mosque Open Day):

    1. Name of Musjid
    2. Physical address of Musjid
    3. Name of Musjid Representative
    4. Contact number and whatsapp number of Musjid Representative
    5. E-mail address of Musjid Representative

    Click here to read more on the 2018 National Mosque Open Day

    Kind regards

    The SAMNET Team

  • [WATCH] Islam and Religious Pluralism by John L Esposito

    Islam is a great religious tradition, the second largest and fastest growing of the World’s Religions, embracing some 57 Muslim countries and is the second or third largest religion in Europe and America. Despite the global achievements of Islam as a faith and civilization, since the Iranian Revolution, Islam has been viewed through the lens violence and the actions of militant terrorists. John L. Esposito, Professor of Religion and International Affairs and of Islamic Studies at Georgetown, addresses the questions: Who are Muslims and what do they believe? What do Islam, Judaism and Christianity share in common? Why does it matter?

  • [WATCH] The Future of Islam by John L Esposito

    One of the most respected American scholarly authority on Islam, John L. Esposito, visited the University of Kentucky. A professor of Islamic Studies and International Affairs at Georgetown University, Esposito discussed his book on the portrait of Islam today and tomorrow, drawn by a lifetime of thought and research to sweep away the negative stereotypes of the fastest growing religion in the world.