The South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) would like the Muslim community to actively participate in School Governing Bodies (SGB) Elections to be held across SA Public Schools from the 1st of March to the 30th of April.


These elections are legislated to be held every 3 years at tens of thousands of Public schools & there have been proposals to extend the term of SGBs. SGBs’ are critical to the functioning & operation of Public schools. It is our opinion & that of those we have engaged already, that if we can positively influence school education in SA it will directly benefit all of our children’s future & that of South Africa.

It is important for Muslims to be active in the civil structure of South Africa. Our legislation & education systems encourage participation of communities in their schools. We need to take advantage of this opportunity especially now at this critical time that legislation on SGB powers is under review.


School Governing Bodies have a direct influence on the following, among others:

  • Control of financial & operational governance of the school.
  • Appointment of principals, teachers & administrators.
  • Setting of fees.
  • Setting & application of policy.
  • Influence the ethos, values & discipline at the school.
  • Influence on the way the curriculum is interpreted & applied.

All of the above can be used to influence positively & negatively:

  • Access to select groups of students.
  • The demographic profile of students.
  • The quality of education provided by the school.


Elections are held early March (any community mobilisation plans must be addressed urgently).

  • Candidates must be nominated and accept the nomination as per the schools’ rules & may be needed two days before. (Nominations must be timeous).
  • The election requires a caucus failing which a second date is set where a caucus is not required (parents must avail themselves on both evenings). A small number of attendees improves chances of election for select groups.
  • Each parent has 1 vote, so a single child in a school has 2 votes. Both parents must attend to maximise the votes.
  • The parents must present their IDs before the vote & register at the election.
  • Votes are cumulative. To improve the chances of a preferred candidate, vote only for the candidate/s you are supporting. Additional votes may count AGAINST your candidate!
  • The votes are counted in the presence of observers.
  • The SGB can co-opt unelected/additional candidates but are not obliged to do so.


It needs to be noted that the majority of our Muslim students are NOT in Private/Islamic/Majority Muslim schools. In light of this, we need to consider the importance of participation & representation.

When candidates are being proposed by a group in the community there are a number of factors that should be considered:

  • Any level-headed person who can work with a diverse team and add value will benefit the SGB.
  • SGBs’ and other parents tend to also look to candidates who have beneficial skills like finance, law, education, human resources, building maintenance and fundraising.
  • Candidates need to have sufficient time to participate in SGB meetings, subcommittees or projects. This is often minimal but varies by school (some require more input.)

Good candidates with the values & understanding of needs of the community who may NOT be Muslim need to be supported. However, we must caution AGAINST this being viewed as an “Islamisation” of education, where candidates’ efforts may take away from the efficient, non-racial, multi-religious & inclusive nature of public education.


The following input was received from educators, professionals & SGB members:

  • Despite the number of Private Islamic schools, we must realise that most Muslim students in SA are in Public Schools. In most cases they are minorities and in less affluent communities.
  • Candidates cannot enforce a view but can influence & lodge objections when within the SGB. The message of participation must be seen in a multi-year or inter-generational context. The impact of this will be gradual but could be for decades if sustainable.
  • Parents often seem to believe that getting their children into former Model C schools is the end point, when that is actually only the start.
  • Parents can make unreasonable demands of the school discouraging diversity & portraying Muslims as difficult.
  • Where candidates are elected, they can be frustrated by being marginalised.
  • If we want to build a better SA we need to start in the schools.
  • Most parents make efforts/take leave to attend school functions or sports. SGB elections are as important, if not more so.
  • Previous generations made sacrifices and they were involved in the development and administration of schools, even under oppressive and adverse conditions. It is our responsibility to make an effort to give some of our time to ensure the education of all future generations is improved.


Over the past few years, SAMNET has assisted and come to know of a numerous instances involving students, parents and teachers where there have been uncompromising or even hostile incidents with schools.

Many of these have been with SGBs or principals. In most cases, a visible presence and engaged parent body would have been beneficial. If parents are not involved proactively, it makes mediation more difficult if it is needed.

There are many instances where Muslims have built a reputation on SGBs or through building relationships for their contributions. Schools have been able to facilitate the reasonable accommodation of Muslims and other communities.


Call to Action & Information:

The challenge of university starts in our schools and SAMNET calls on our community leaders and organisations to use this communication and information provided to engage the public to participate in SGB elections across SA within the next few weeks.


Communities may choose to coordinate and plan over the next few weeks to identify and support selected candidates.


SAMNET has drafted a general communication/poster/flyer for the public, to be circulated at Masaajids and other locations.

Speakers and Advice:

We have also identified Educators, SGB Chairpersons and SGB members who can share their experiences and knowledge and are able to advise accordingly. These people available for interviews, teleconferences/meetings. Arrangements can be made via our office.

Feedback and Ideas:

We ask that you provide us with feedback and ideas that could be shared across our Network to make these a successful and inclusive SGB Election year.

To provide your time and skills for the upliftment of others is an Ibadaah.