18th April 2020


The South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) and the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMASA) wish to commend government’s evidence based and definitive approach to dealing with the COVID19 crisis and the exceptional efforts of our Medical and Scientific Experts.

We call on the public to be patient and support the staged and scientific plan to assess the lockdown. It is imperative that the public participate in the testing measures using the 28,000 community health care workers.

We urge the public to be vigilant and to ensure that they take safety precautions when approached for testing and note the critical advice provided:

▪ Testers are not required to enter your home.
▪ They should be accompanied by members of the SAPS.
▪ If you are uncertain ask for any private security or via neighborhood groups to verify that testing is underway in your area.

We encourage the public to show courtesy, respect and to thank these workers who are making a concerted effort to ensure the safety of our families, communities and the country. The faster we can test and more testing we complete the quicker we may be able to beat this Pandemic, Insha Allah – Almighty God willing. We note that many citizens are undergoing different hardships especially where they have lost income.

Our Caring Sisters Network (CSN) Team in association with many other relief organizations including IMASA has been working hard to assist those in need. Sadly, we must recognize that there will be tough times ahead for everyone. We encourage families and communities to start working at self-sufficiency projects like home vegetable gardens to supplement their needs in the next few months.

Media reports suggest that there is a growing element of stigmatization of people who have tested positive for COVID19 and this may lead to people not testing or disclosing, which could result in further spread of the virus and prolong the period of the pandemic. We remind anyone inclined to be judgemental or who uses social media to denigrate someone who has tested positive, whether ill or not, that such people would have become infected accidentally and unwittingly, through no fault of their own. Our religious teachings and the example of our Prophet, peace be upon him, is that of
compassion and mercy, and we need to demonstrate this in our words and actions.

Remember the Hadith (saying of the Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“Wondrous is the affair of the Believer for there is good for him in every matter and this is not the case with anyone except the Believer. If he is happy, then he thanks Allah (SWT) and thus there is good for him, and if he is harmed, then he shows patience and thus there is good for him.”
(Sahih Muslim)

Let us not STIGMATIZE, DISCRIMINATE or LOOK DOWN UPON anyone who is COVID19 positive. Rather:
▪ Communicate – keep in touch.
▪ Assist with medication, shopping, food deliveries etc – with all the necessary precautions and within the lockdown guidelines.
▪ Remember them in your prayers and supplications to Almighty God. (Duas)


Do not feel guilty about your or your family members’ illness. Insha Allah (Almighty God willing) you will earn a reward from Allah (SWT) by notifying ALL possible contacts of the patient within the preceding 14 days, to seek medical advice. Kindly employ physical distancing and self-isolation, which are the most important tools to stop the spread of the disease. Do not neglect social engagement. We encourage our community to use the extended lockdown to improve skills,
education and to be productive.

We pray that the Almighty guide us and protect South Africa and the world.

SAMNET : Dr Faisal Suliman
IMASA : Dr Yakub Moosa Essack