Durban, March 16, 2019: The South African Muslim Network expresses its horror at the mindless bloody terrorist attacks
on the Muslim community of Christchurch, New Zealand, which took place on Friday 15 March 2019.

Sadly, however, given the almost incessant negative portrayal of Islam and Muslims, the stereotyping of Muslims in the
media and the entertainment industry, it is not unexpected. Hence, there would be a growth in Islamophobia. This
growth resulting in the sort of hate espoused by various social media platforms, major political leaders, is proof of the
effect of almost 2 decades long negative narrative about Islam and Muslims. The media and those in the entertainment
industry need to introspect deeply and seriously about the way their roles are creating discord, distrust and disharmony
in support of political agendas.

We call on all Muslims around the world to react with the dignity and self-restraint that is inherent in the teachings of the
Holy Quraan and the examples of God Almighty’s last Messenger, our beloved Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon

This tragedy reminds us of our vulnerability as human beings. In times of division, it is critical that we stand together as a
single humanity. We oppose every and any act that fragments us from racism, bigotry and violence against any member
of society, the central tenet of our religion being PEACE. We appeal to the media and politicians to consider the impact
of their words and their ability to generate Islamophobia. The manner in which a problem is portrayed, is how it is
perceived, and media driven stereotypes; all end up having an impact on people on the ground.

We send our condolences and prayers to the families of the deceased and we wish a speedy recovery for the injured.

Dr. Faisal Suliman

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